• Hit it From the Side 06

    oil on linen
    8 x 10 inches  |  2016

  • Hit it From the Side 25

    oil on linen
    8 x 10 inches  |  2016

  • Hit it From the Side 16

    oil on linen
    8 x 10 inches  |  2016

  • Hit it From the Side 07

    oil on linen
    8 x 10 inches  |  2016

  • Hit it From the Side 13

    oil on linen
    8 x 10 inches  |  2016

  • Hit it From the Side 17

    oil on linen
    8 x 10 inches  |  2016

  • Hit it From the Side 12

    oil on linen
    8 x 10 inches  |  2016

  • Hit it From the Side 19

    oil on linen
    8 x 10 inches  |  2016


Knoxville, TN | Painting, Drawing

Joshua Bienko (b. 1978, NY) received his MFA from the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia in 2008, and his BFA from the University of Buffalo in 2000. He has exhibited at NADA (NY), Dallas Contemporary (TX), Artpace (TX), Labor Ebertplatz (Köln), Vox Populi (PA), Big Medium (TX), OUTERSPACE (Facebook) and the Guggenheim Museum (in collaboration with YouTube Play Biennial). Most recently he has shown in New York, Portland, Baltimore, Brooklyn and Pittsburgh. He has also curated shows in Brooklyn, Queens, Seattle, and Gainesville and is one of the founding members of the artist-run space Ortega y Gasset Projects in Gowanus, and C for Courtside in Knoxville. He is a 2009 Tanne Foundation recipient, and a Hambidge Residency and V.C.C.A Fellow. Bienko is an Associate Professor in the School of Art at the University of Tennessee, where he teaches Drawing and Painting. “Who’s the G.O.A.T.? Jordan! Or maybe J.M.W. Turner. Yeah, Either Jordan or Turner.”

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