• Variegated Panasonic

    kiln cast glass
    12" x 18" x 6"  |  2018

  • Jadeite Cassette

    carved vitrolite
    4" x 6" x 1"  |  2017

  • Garnet Disk

    carved glass
    8" x 8" x 1/4"  |  2017

  • VHSX

    carved vitrolite
    6" x 13" x 2"  |  2016

  • Tape Erased

    kiln cast and polished glass
    12" x 14" x 5"  |  2016

  • GameBoy

    carved vitrolite
    11" x 5" x 2"  |  2016

  • Jenny, Jenny

    laminated glass on mirror
    10" x 35" x 1"  |  2016

  • Controller

    carved and enameled glass
    9" x 4" x 1"  |  2015

  • 5318008/BOOBIES

    laminated glass on mirror
    14" x 54" x 2"  |  2015


Nashville, TN | Sculpture, Mixed Media

I explore the visual language of age in my artwork through everyday objects past and present. Why does an object look 'old' or 'new'? Our intimate relationships with these objects and our willingness to immediately discard items once they become obsolete are dominant themes in much of my work. The specific memories and nostalgia that each object can trigger is an important element in that visual language. I use the actual technological objects both as models and inspiration for sculpture, and as positives coupled with mold making, casting and hand finishing to emphasize a connection to natural fossilization, and ancient techniques.

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