APR. 08, 2020

"My studio is a modest room that we built in our garage. Being a digital video artist, I don’t require a great deal of space to create work, but the equipment used for projections, sound, etc. require a lot of space. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, my studio also serves as my home office. I have spent more time here in the last few weeks than I have the past year. Unfortunately, little of my time here is spent focusing on studio work."

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - Aidan Jones collaborating with Barry on "Lesson 6 (James Baldwin)"

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - Aidan Jones collaborating with Barry on "Lesson 6 (James Baldwin)"

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - studio work space

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - studio work space

Barry Jones, Lesson 5 (Timothy Snyder), digital print, 61” x 34”, 2018

Barry Jones, Lesson 5 (Timothy Snyder), digital print, 61” x 34”, 2018

Barry Jones, Lesson 5 (Timothy Snyder), digital print, 61” x 34”, 2018

Barry Jones, Lesson 5 (Timothy Snyder), digital print, 61” x 34”, 2018

"My son, Aidan, and I are working on the next piece in my Lessons series. Lesson 6 (James Baldwin) focuses on his discussions of history. Particularly, how history shapes who we are. While working on Aidan’s portion of the installation (the handwriting), we discuss what Baldwin is saying and how history has given us an advantage while disadvantaging others."

Barry Jones, April 2020

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - Plankton watching over Barry's work

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - Plankton watching over Barry's work

Barry Jones, Lesson 4 (The Gospels), video still, dimensions variable, 2017

Barry Jones, Lesson 4 (The Gospels), video still, dimensions variable, 2017

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - studio equipment

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - studio equipment

Barry Jones is a digital video and sound artist with far ranging interests in music, the history of film, new technologies, and social activism. He earned his BFA in photography at Austin Peay State University, and his MFA in 3d studies at the University of South Carolina.

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - production still of "Lesson 6 (James Baldwin)"

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - production still of "Lesson 6 (James Baldwin)"

Barry Jones, Lesson 3 (Gene Sharp) with Aidan Jones, video projection, dimension variable, 2017

Barry Jones, Lesson 3 (Gene Sharp) with Aidan Jones, video projection, dimension variable, 2017

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - studio equipment

Barry Jones, Virtual Studio Visit, April 2020 - studio equipment

Barry Jones, Lesson 2 (Tom Joad) with Parker and Hope Jones, video and sound installation, dimensions variable, 2016

Barry Jones, Lesson 2 (Tom Joad) with Parker and Hope Jones, video and sound installation, dimensions variable, 2016

Jones is Professor of Art and the Dean of the College of Arts and Letters at Austin Peay State University. He is the husband of Jennifer Ford, the father of Parker, Aidan, Hope, and Elliott.

Barry Jones, Lesson 3 (Gene Sharp) with Aidan Jones, video projection, dimension variable, 2017

Barry Jones, Lesson 3 (Gene Sharp) with Aidan Jones, video projection, dimension variable, 2017

Barry Jones, Lesson 2 (Tom Joad) with Parker and Hope Jones, video and sound installation, dimensions variable, 2016

Barry Jones, Lesson 2 (Tom Joad) with Parker and Hope Jones, video and sound installation, dimensions variable, 2016

* all images courtesy of the artist


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