

Reece Museum (ETSU) / 363 Stout Dr., Johnson City, TN January 20 - April 4th

Pat Mink
Rima Dayl
Holly Ford
Morgan Gilbert
Lyn Govette
Jess Jones
Briana Knight
Liz Layton
Rachel Lowman
Laree McMurray
Katie Murphy
Alice Salyer
Laura Schroeder
Autumn Standbridge
Carla Taylor

Patricia Mink is a practicing artist and Professor Emerita in the Department of Art & Design at East Tennessee State University, where she taught for 20 years. Her award-winning work has been included in national and international exhibitions, including Fiberart International, Quilt National, Form not Function, Visions, Art Quilt Elements, and The Artist as Quiltmakerr. Her work has appeared in major published exhibition catalogs such as Surface Design, Fiberarts Magazine, and Fiberarts Design Book 7. Patricia is one of 22 artists featured in the PBS documentary Soul’s Journey: Inside the Creative Process.

Layered Influence consist of select works from past students of Pat Mink.

"My current work explores the traditional layered quilt form, employing new digital techniques for weaving and/or printing fabric as a means of establishing a visual dialogue addressing issues of contemporary culture. Drawing from historic associations with domesticity, comfort, and home, the quilt form offers unique possibilities for developing content when combined with non-traditional techniques and unexpected imagery." - Pat Mink