

Reece Museum (ETSU) / 363 Stout Dr., Johnson City, TN May 4, 2024 - May 31, 2024

Calvin Nicely, Bill Capshaw, Jason Flack

Calvin Nicely, a prolific glass artist who resides and works in studios in Tennessee and Western North Carolina, organized the exhibition. Working with Reece staff, Nicely invited fellow Tennessee artists Bill Capshaw and Jason Flack to showcase their work alongside his. The final collaboration is the Fire, Earth & Life exhibition.

FIRE: Nicely relies on the heat of fire, to manipulate glass into colorful sculptures. His glass artworks have been celebrated and collected for years, and Calvin’s artistic pursuits have created opportunities for many fellow artists. EARTH: Utilizing clay of the earth, Bill Capshaw describes his ceramics as coming from, “deep within the soul with the intent to pierce the mind with probing thoughts of the creative process.” His ceramic works speak to the human experience and provide insight into what connects us all. LIFE: A self-described “Urban Folk” expressionist artist and community leader, Jason Flack’s paintings center life and human experience. Flack has entrenched himself in an all-things-art lifestyle, being a part of local art advocacy and bridging the gap between self-taught and academia.