Tipton Gallery (ETSU) / 126 Spring St., Johnson City, TN October 29, 2020 - December 11, 2020
Vanessa Gonzalez, Nick Peña
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the ETSU Department of Art & Design and Slocumb Galleries in partnership with the Language & Culture Resource Center (LCRC) and the Multicultural Center presents New Latinx South: Vanessa Gonzalez and Nick Peña exhibitions at Slocumb Galleries and Tipton Gallery with Dia de los Muertos celebration on October 30, Friday at 6 p.m. The physical exhibitions are accompanied by various virtual public events that can be viewed via ETSU Slocumb Galleries’ Facebook Page Live or on Zoom: https://etsu.zoom.us/myslocumb... or Zoom ID 710 908 4999.
In keeping with ETSU Slocumb Galleries mission to provide venues and access to contemporary art within the region through innovative and diverse exhibitions that promote artistic excellence, cultural awareness and creative thinking , we present ‘Mi Casa Tu Casa’ by Vanessa Gonzalez and ‘shelf life’ by Nick Peña are featured at Slocumb Galleries from September 29 to October 30; and ‘Nostalgia’ by Gonzalez and ‘house, non-house... geometry and echos’ by Peña at Tipton Gallery from October 29 to December 18, 2020 at Tipton Gallery.
‘Mi Casa Tu Casa’ by Vanessa Gonzalez features a diversity of printmaking techniques such as woodcut, linocut, yupo transfer, Van Dyke, screenprint, cyanotype and digital, as well as hologram and ceramics. Through her work, she investigates her cultural identity as Mexican-born, American citizen. In parallel, ‘Nostalgia’ explores Gonzalez’ biracial lineage and iconic images of contemporary Mexican American culture in the pursuit of belonging by embracing both cultures.
Meanwhile, ‘shelf life’ by Nick Peña is a multimedia installation that depict the ‘landscape’ and housing issues in the US. The chevron geometric patterns juxtaposed with the organic ‘mounds’ that are situated high up and ‘out of reach’ reflect various dichotomies such as “stability vs. instability or representation vs. abstraction” as well as the ‘haves vs. have nots.’ Peña’s ‘house, non-house... geometry and echos’ mixed media architectural paintings with Sintra circular matting that continues to address issues of inequality, housing, and social landscape. He visualizes the ideals of the ‘American Dream,’ and its contrasting tensions with the climate and environmental landscape.
Funded by the Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Build Communities (ABC) and Arts Projects Support (APS) grants, with the ETSU SGA Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC), in partnership with the Multicultural Center, Langston Centre, Language & Culture Resource Centre, and Hispanic American Student Community Alliance (HASCA). Physical distancing inside the galleries is in place, facial masks are required and available free of charge, with the addition of air filters inside the galleries, we are committed to ensuring the safety of staff and visiting public.
For further information contact Slocumb Galleries’ Director Karlota I. Contreras-Koterbay via email contrera@etsu.edu or 423.483.3179. All exhibitions and events are open and free to the public The Slocumb Galleries are available for public viewing weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., located at 232 Sherrod Drive, ETSU campus. The Tipton Gallery is open for public viewing on Thursdays and Fridays 5 to 7 p.m. and on First Fridays from 6 to 8 p.m. Request to visit by appointment are also available, please contact Slocumb Galleries’ Director to schedule an appointment after hours. Please visit Etsu.edu/cas/art/galleries for future events.