Elephant Gallery / 1411 Buchanan St. January 18 - February 1st
Leo Adames, Lesley Patterson-Marx, Richard Perkins, Raymond Deeren, Ali El-Chaer, Marlós Évan, McLean Fahnestock, Susannah Felts, Jana Gilbert, Kelly Ann Graff, Joey Grisham, Christine Hall, Alexis Jones, Barry Jones, Charles Key, Sophia Macia, Ashley Mintz, Gwendolyn Mintz, Mike Mitchell, Alexis Ozden, Ksennia Bolshakova, Sara Lee Burd, Matt Christy, Paul Collins, Chalet Comellas, Billy Renkl, Ciona Rouse, Karen Seapker, Andrea Spofford, Lorenzo Swinton, DC Thomas, Bea Troxel, Michelle Turner, Patrick Vincent, Yanira Vissepó, Anfernee Welch, Ripley Whiteside, Bandy Olasubomi Aka-Bashorun, Gina Nigro, Stephen Graham, Wansoo Kim, Luke Warren, Dixie Webb, Benji Anderson
Elephant Gallery is proud to present Unbannable, a collection of oversized books created as a grass-roots effort to fight censorship and intimidation in our libraries in Tennessee.
Teams of artists, writers, teachers, librarians and students joined forces to create larger than life interactive book sculptures based on banned books and original written works of singular voice and experience.
In the Fall of 2024 this exhibition spanned a dozen public and private venues across Middle Tennessee and established a network of sites for the public to discover and interact with the voices of those affected by book bans. Elephant Gallery will host the first unabridged exhibition of this project in one place. This exhibition will feature a rich collection of interactive book sculptures that are literally TOO BIG to ban.