Space 204 (Vanderbilt University) / 1204 25th Ave. S., E. Bronson Ingram Studio Arts Center June 5, 2017 - July 28, 2017
Susan Bryant
We are pleased to announce our summer exhibition for 2017, "Borrowed Light" from artist and professor of art, Susan Bryant!
Professor Bryant teaches at Austin Peay State University and as been teaching in the Department of Art for the past 34 years.
"Borrowed Light" will include works from her six year exploration of wet-plate collodion process, invented in 1851.
On her process, Professor Bryant is "interested in the kind of alchemy that occurs as this 19th century photographic process is integrated with 21st century digital technology."
Professor Bryant's exhibition will open in Space 204 on June 5, 2017. An artist/opening reception schedule for June 8, 2017 - 5pm to 7pm.
All Space 204 exhibitions and events are free and open to the public.
For more about Susan, please visit: susanbryantphoto.com
image: Susan Bryant, Eden Gardens, 2017, digital print from scan of collodion tintype, 13” x 19”