John C. Hutcheson Gallery (Lipscomb University) / One University Park Dr. September 5, 2024 - September 30, 2024
Caroline Allison, Bridget Bailey, Amanda Bittner, Liza Clement, Jennifer Fearon, Georganna Greene, Jan Elaine Harris, Allie Horick, Mandy Rogers Horton, Molly Sutton Kiefer, Emily Manning-Mingle, Mara Measor, Bex Olesek, Chen Peng, Jennifer Pepper, Billy Renkl, Jessica Segall, Joni Sullivan, Jered Sprecher, Ripley Whiteside, Aisling Wilson
SOLAR WIND brings together the work of 21 artists and writers at the Lipscomb University Hutcheson Gallery this Fall. Participants consider the complex relationship between modern day humans and their home planet in this multi-media exhibition. SOLAR WIND presents an array of disciplines including painting, sculpture, video installation, printmaking, and poetry, each in dialogue with the nuances of our global condition.
The show’s title harkens to the beloved literary classic Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Annie Dillard, 1974), in which the forest-immersed author asserts that “the secret of seeing is to sail on solar wind.” This notion brings to mind a spirit-like force which swells, gathers, guides, threatens, passes through—constantly lapping at the fringes of societal, physical, and spiritual worlds. Like Dillard, some contemporary artists and writers harness abstract language and experimentation to pursue a metaphysical experience of the natural world, embracing mystery over certainty. Through observation, storytelling, personal reflection, and worship, a raw conversation emerges across these particular works, highlighting complexities about the Earth’s biome and our human footprint. Audiences of this exhibit will encounter visual, aural, and verbal intersections that issue a flow of sensorial experiences. Including practitioners from six states and two countries, SOLAR WIND embraces a diverse range of voices in addressing the perpetual unwilding of our own species and a search for connection. Here we embrace creativity’s role in knowing and loving our world better by illuminating pathways to deeper seeing.
This exhibition is free and open to the public and runs from September 5th to September 30th, 2024. You are invited to join us for an opening reception on September 5th from 5-7pm. Original zines featuring visuals and words from the exhibition will be available for purchase with proceeds benefiting Turnip Green Creative Reuse in their efforts towards sustainable community and waste reduction. The exhibition is presented by the Lipscomb University School of Art and Design, and is organized and curated by Georganna Greene, current visiting studio faculty and gallery advisor.
Image: Aisling Wilson, (untitled), 2024. Monotype with pigment on Fabriano paper, 16 x 21 in. Courtesy of the artist.