David Lusk Gallery Nashville / 516 Hagan St. July 5, 2018 - July 28, 2018
David Onri Anderson
Christina Renfer Vogel
KJ Schumacher
This July, a three-person group show takes the walls at David Lusk Gallery Nashville. David Onri Anderson, Christina Renfer Vogel and KJ Schumacher bring together their works in ripple | nature | bodies, an exhibition that navigates the spaces between interpretation and description and allows viewers to unite experiences while acknowledging differences. Anderson explores the painting process through the collaboration of the subject and his own receptiveness. This practice becomes a collection of images and rhythms that leave a trail of responses to life experiences. Vogel transitions between two ongoing bodies of work: intimate paintings of verdant landscapes and sparse interiors and still life paintings of houseplants. Schumacher’s paint fragments take on a natural, geologic appearance after eroding from walls in Berlin, Germany while maintaining sculptural and painterly qualities. Through each of their practices, these artists are connected to the act of painting itself and respond to shifting dialogue around the objects they paint.