Turnip Green Creative Reuse / 407 Houston St. November 2, 2019 - December 28, 2019
Jennifer Fritsch, Sara McLoud
Reimagining Pathways will run for two months, and is a group show featuring the paintings of Jennifer Fritsch, and the textile wall art of Sara McLoud. The show will debut with an opening reception at the Open Studio Gallery at Turnip Green Creative Reuse (TGCR) on November 2nd, 2019 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. All are welcome to attend. The reception takes place at TGCR at 407 Houston Street, Nashville, TN 37203.
Jennifer Fritsch’s work in Reimagining Pathways features a series of paintings on wooden floors and cabinet doors, titled Passages & Pathways: The Journey from Darkness to Light. “Each day we wake up and make decisions for the course of that day. Many doors will open along the way creating 2 different paths; the path to darkness, emptiness, and despair and the path to recovery, forgiveness and hope. Sometimes we see beautiful doors that are deceiving, that open to very different opportunities,” states Fritsch. “These opportunities can be good with endless possibilities and beautiful rewards. Others open and lead us to a darker path.”
Sara McLoud’s series of work is titled, Reverent Rescue: Reimagining Purpose. Her work features a series of wall hangings made from reused fabrics and materials, disassembled and then reconstructed into collage art, with both the function of home goods and the sensibilities of fine art. “My work is where sewists, quilters and fiber artists come together, nudged into the realm of high art by my painterly aesthetic,” explains McLoud. “I treat fabric with a reverence for where it comes from or where it’s been. I see potential in a pair of discarded pants or 60’s sheets to become something else, changing form and function, while celebrating original design and color.”