Turnip Green Creative Reuse / 407 Houston St. August 7, 2021 - August 28, 2021
Randy Purcell, Valentine Adams
Join Turnip Green Creative Reuse for the opening reception of Cross Pollination, a 3-week long exhibit featuring the artwork of Randy Purcell and Valentine Adams. Cross Pollination can be viewed in the Green Gallery at Turnip Green Creative Reuse from August 7th to August 28th.
This opening reception will include a 30-minute artist interview hosted by Mike Windy.
Turnip Green asks that guests bring their own reusable cups as it will be a sustainable and reuse opening. Mugs are available to be purchased for $5.
Get your tickets to enjoy this art viewing experience benefitting Turnip Green Creative Reuse!
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/c...
Once the show commences, the artworks displayed are purchasable on our website at turnipgreencreativereuse.org and more information about the artists will be available.