

mild climate / 507C Hagan St. October 1, 2016 - October 31, 2016

Astri Snodgrass
Jessica Lund-Higgins
Matt Christy

Pulp is a collection of aggregative works from Astri Snodgrass, Jessica Lund-Higgins and Matt Christy. Each artists’ works have a high pulp content, bound up with substances that are generally filtered out. Styrofoam, paper scraps and bits of cardboard are just a handful of the materials each artist engages with. 

Striated and fragmentary, each artist has developed their own unique vocabulary with their specific material cache. Jessica's sculptural mascots tuck away into corners or perch onto windowsills - observing or laying in wait. Their specificity of material beckons a taxonomic recognition and also resists such an immutable knowing for a more poetic kind of understanding. Matt’s narrative drawings resist and even laugh at the idea of telling a coherent story. Instead they are concerned with the fuzzy surfaces and the bits that fall down into the cracks and crevices to tell a different, less dignified tale. Astri’s collaged fields are the residual embodiment of a two and fro- shift and shimmer between paper spaces and pictorial meaning.

An intimate reciprocity is fostered through the coupling of the pulpy materials and the process of making.