

Sauvage Galerie / 1114B 3rd Ave. S. August 20, 2016 - August 20, 2016

Matt Christy

The drawings in “Placebo Theater” are photocopies of a sketch Matt Christy drew during a break up. The faceless, cartoony figure peaking out from under of a rock in a barren landscape became the starting point for generating a limitless meditation on narrative, character, and setting.

In addition to the works on paper there will be three performances. Jacob Bernardi Stovall leads a Powerpoint-assisted sermon via the inorganic vernacular of search engine query. Think Tony Robbins meets William S. Burroughs with a hint of Bill Gates. Meagen Crawford becomes her own hydra-mimetic monolith of audio & visual ekphrastic poetries. And Matt Christy will lead a chant/reading.

It’s easy to think the “audience”, the control group getting a placebo, is a little dumb to fall for the trick. But you can take the pill knowing it’s only sugar and get the effect anyway. Even though art is mere theater, mere shadow play, it can still empower its audience. So go on. Take the pill.