Track One Silo Room / 1201 4th Ave. S., Suite 128 April 2, 2016 - April 9, 2016
Seed Space and Austin Peay State University's Department of Art and Design are pleased to present Personal Geographies, a group exhibition featuring work by APSU students enrolled in printmaking and sculpture courses at APSU. Personal Geographies is an installation that opens a public discussion concerning the relationship of place to memory. We invent the world we live in based on our unique sensory perceptions, our experiences, our attitudes, and our biases. The need to record a spatial relationship to the known world - to locate oneself both geographically and metaphysically in the universe - is intrinsic to the human condition.
Through writing exercises and in-class discussions, students identified meaningful internal and external spaces. The landscapes and signage exhibited represent visual translations of personal geographies. The students then constructed the landscapes from handmade pulp. The posted signs were printed on handmade paper using wood type from the Goldsmith Press and Rare Type Collection at Austin Peay State University.
This show is curated by art professors Cynthia Marsh, Virginia Griswold, and the students at APSU, and is part of the Nashville Fine Arts collaborative initiative between Seed Space and Middle Tennessee cultural institutions and university fine art departments.
This exhibition will be open April 2 - April 9. See it during regular Seed Space office hours (Monday and Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) or by appointment.