Turnip Green Creative Reuse / 407 Houston Street April 4, 2020 - April 26, 2020
Taria Person
Turnip Green Creative Reuse will be hosting a VIRTUAL Gallery Opening for Mission Uplift, in place of the in-person WEHO Art Crawl.
Mission Uplift (Open Studio Gallery)
Show Dates: April 4th - April 26th
featuring Taria Person
Mission Uplift is a short documentary film and music video created by visual artist, poet, and playwright, Taria Person. “Mission Uplift is about utilizing the art-making process to uplift oneself and others,” explains Person. The documentary explores anti-bullying aspects through commentary and unique visuals.
The documentary focuses mainly on Person as an artist from growing up to the present. “Mission Uplift explores life skills including leadership, effective communication, and conflict resolution, as well as includes my poetry, hip-hop, dance, and visual art to encourage uplift.”
Paired with the documentary are exploratory art pieces created by Kindergarten through 1st grade artists in the Turnip Green Creative Reuse after school programs. Students showcase their unique take on “uplift” through reuse art materials.