Julia Martin Gallery / 444 Humphreys St. February 1 - 28th
Josh Black
No Love Lost tells the story of a comedian who once basked in local success but craved something more.
That new hunger led him into a storm of hardships - loss, betrayal, sabotage, and isolation. Instead of sold-out shows at the local comedy club, he now performs at dive bars to heroin addicts & drunk hecklers. To his surprise, succeeding in these harsh new environments made him a much stronger comic.
Through trials and tribulations, he finds purpose, focus, and a renewed work ethic.
Isolation, once a curse, becomes a blessing in disguise. Falling out of love with local fame, he rediscovers a deeper love for his craft.
This is an exhibit about growth. These pieces aim to inspire, enlighten, and make you laugh. No Love Lost.