Ground Floor Gallery + Studios / 942 4th Ave. S. October 7, 2017 - November 4, 2017
Gil Given
Ground Floor Gallery is pleased to present Rods and Ribbons, a solo exhibition awarded to Nashville artist Gil Given after being selected as “Best in Show” by Austin Thomas, a NYC-based artist and community builder. His most recent work, the ribbon paintings, leave the two- dimensional scope of the canvas and incorporate sculptural elements.
Artist Statement: “I prefer to work with vivid colors, explore monochromatic themes, and create images using negative and positive space. The ribbons are unpredictable as they twist in response to their length, width, and layers of paint applied. The twists add shadows on the wall and a sense of change in the color and space, which is yet another point of interest. The vibrant colors travel seamlessly through each of these components, creating a unified statement. The color pallet, crafted wood base, canvas ribbons and the rods make each piece intriguing from all angels, and allows it to be affected by airflow and humidity. In this way, it becomes a form of environmental art, being constantly shaped by natural elements.”
Ground Floor Gallery is committed to providing contemporary exhibitions with depth and relevance in multiple disciplines for a diverse audience with the intent to connect artists with other art professionals, community builders and potential buyers. We present artists with the opportunity to exhibit their work in an alternative gallery and collective artist community, which allows artists to take risks that are not generally supported by commercial galleries.
For more information, contact Janet at 615.478.1467
Parking in front of the building or on Oak Street.