

COOP Gallery / 507 Hagan St May 5, 2021 - May 29, 2021

Nick Doty

Coop is delighted to present Nick Doty's solo exhibition gathering for a fire showcasing sculptures and wall works the artist made over the past year. The body of work reveals the artist's ongoing exploration of porosity and captivity as they intersect with nature and material ephemera.

Doty has created a multivalent visual language that intertwines replicas of seasonal shifts—from floral elements and arrangements to vibrant, turning leaves—with delicate threads of entrapment. Handmade wire stitching, fishing line, wood, and sand offer a platform for items that emulate nature while concurrently restraining and restricting their movement.

This intricate tension and its repetition create a motif that examines the hypocrisy of hole-ridden objects that are in fact designed to capture. Doty's practice in porosity gives equal significance to artist-made and found matters as it does to voided areas. Gathering for a fire is a sinuous artwork ecosystem that operates to challenge and question boundaries.