

Bijan Ferdowsi Gallery / 504 Southgate Ave. February 18, 2017 - February 18, 2017

Mika Agari

My mother had a miscarriage and I was conceived in its shadow. Friction Fruit is a taste of rubbing up against oneself and each other.

Mika Agari is an installation artist living and working in Nashville, TN. Agari graduated with her BFA from Watkins College of Art, Design & Film, TN in 2016. Agari has shown internationally, participating in shows at the Asheville Art Museum, the Frist in Nashville, TN, as well as Centre A in BC, Canada. Her video work has also been screened at Third Man Records’ Light and Sound Machine. Agari is a co-curator at mild climate, an artist run space in Nashville, TN. Her work can be viewed at mikaagari.com.