

Gallery Luperca / 1313 McGavock Pk. June 6, 2020 - July 3, 2020

Gallery Luperca invites artists to create multi-media sculptural masks for Face Value, a virtual exhibition that will run June 6 – July 3. Face Value will explore the alchemy of grief and aesthetic in our new ecosystem of self isolation and viral visage. The exhibition will be designed by Pittsburg based actress and performance artist Lindsay Goranson and the Gallery Luperca team. The full call for entries is viewable at galleryluperca.com. 

From the call for entries: 

“This is who we are now. Mask-makers. An army of sewists working ceaselessly to make a breathable wall between bodies. Our machines are the hum of manufacturing power: power to protect families, friends, and community in a world that has stopped spinning. These masks we make are objects of protection and solidarity. Heirloom objects that we will hand down with the lessons of how we moved through this grief. But they are also objects of fear. Objects of a shifting, indigestible reality that we must wear to be together. So let’s too think of them as an object of expression. A way to strip away old constructs and have agency over the face that we wear in the world. Face Value asks the questions: How can aesthetic reframe necessity? What do you imagine at the intersection of grief and possibility? Who are you on the other side of this pandemic-shaped door?”

For more information or images, please contact Sara Lederach at sara@galleryluperca.com
 or 615-815-5005.