Sauvage Galerie / 1114B 3rd Ave. S. November 5, 2016 - November 5, 2016
Tara Walters
Et Al. Readings at Sauvage Galerie host one visiting poet, at least one local poet, and a local visual artist to re-contextualize the space of the traditional poetry reading.
On the night of Saturday, November 5th only, Sauvage is beyond thrilled to exhibit new and selected works from Nashville visual artist Tara Walters. Walters is interested in using natural elements to bring the delicacy of femininity into the power of spirituality. Her recent and new work utilizes both heat and fire applied directly to and near the canvas to establish forms that evade definition and complicate the motive of those forms. These materials allow her to charge and reorient the surface of a canvas, traditionally utilized for narratives of form or representation.