

Space 204 (Vanderbilt University) / 1204 25th Ave. January 11, 2024 - February 9, 2024

Navya Thakkar

The Vanderbilt University Department of Art and Space 204 welcomes back Navya Thakkar in January 2024! Navya is the 2022 Recipient of the Margaret Stonewall Wooldridge Hamblet Award and spent the last 1.5 years following graduation traveling, making art, and enter her graduate studies at Pratt.

Breaking the 5th Wall explores Thakkar's observation of details and intricacies that make up our world but are often overlooked. She has encountered numerous stories with those told about ceilings taking the spotlight. Her attention started to look for patterns in these spaces discovering entire worlds in each unique space.

Thakkar is an artist from Mumbai, India and graduated from Vanderbilt University in 2022 with degrees in Biological Sciences and Studio Art. She is currently pursuing a Master of Science degree in Information Experience Design at the Pratt Institute. After winning the Hamblet Award for her thesis exhibition "who should I be? (2022), she spent a year traveling and finding her voice as an artist and as a person. Her studio practices maintains roots in printmaking, ephemeral art, and sewing - revolving around themes of identity and exploration, home, narrative and histories.