

COOP Gallery / 507 Hagan st August 7, 2021 - August 28, 2021

Kellie Bornhoft

Boundless Sediments centers on the moving-shaking animacy of our planet. The common space of ground, this shared layer of earth, has been a crucial topic in anticipating the warming planet. Geologists and climatologists have staked claims that we are now living in a new epoch, the Anthropocene. Markers of this new era include the ground’s strata infiltrated by plastics, nuclear radiation measured in the atmosphere, and mass extinction. Rocks, although seemingly unchangeable, have become reactionary. Which should come as no surprise as we extract from fossil fuels which hold the energy of millennia of once-living beings. Colonial logics of measuring and marking ground are the dangerous acts that led to our planetary crisis. What we assume to be static resource, is active and pushes back. I am interested in the way that the earth moves in refusal: earthquakes after fracking, or landslides after wildfires. The the ground shakes and shifts beyond human drawn borders. Boundless Sediments is a two-channel video installation that uses poetry, ephemeral performance and animation to reimagine our human relationship with this pale blue dot.