Channel to Channel / 507A Hagan St. February 4, 2017 - March 23, 2017
Ashley Doggett
Channel To Channel is pleased to have Ashley Doggett in the gallery during the months of February and March. As a person of color, Doggett actively explores themes of religion, race, gender, and dissociation by citing historical narratives and practices, whilst re-contextualizing them in a contemporary mode of painting.
A statement from the artist:
My new work, A History, speaks on the historical erasure of African American trauma and violence that black people have faced since slavery, especially that of black women. Given the connotations of Southern revisionism, our histories as black people have only been likened to that of being commodities via chattel slavery. By re-contextualizing and reclaiming aspects of racial stereotypes to strip the power they have in the hands of the oppressor, the work in A History delineates and derails the lies that have been instituted to cover up the truth behind chattel slavery in the Americas, using no subtleties in uncovering those horrors as well as using metaphoric symbolism to speak on the stamp of white oppression on black bodies.
A History opens on Saturday, Feb 4 from 6-9pm and will be on view until March 23.