Leu Art Gallery (Belmont University) / 1907 Belmont Blvd. November 10, 2022 - November 28, 2022
Andrés Bustamante
This November, Belmont University Leu Center for the Arts is proud to present Andrés Bustamante: REFLEXIÓN. A solo exhibition of all new works, the show will open with a public reception on November 10th from 4pm to 8pm, including a special speaking engagement with the artist.
Andrés Bustamante is a sculptor born in Cali, Colombia and based in Nashville, TN.
Informed by his immigrant experience at a young age, his sculptures are an abstract exploration of and inquiry into human struggle and the emotional landscape of experience.
The meticulous, difficult and often dangerous process of manipulating polycarbonate through heat and force is emblematic of Bustamante’s quest for meaning through hardship, and the ability of the artist to transform any experience into a thing of beauty. For Bustamante, this is the source of art’s ability to heal, a concept he delves into on both a spiritual and physical level.
“I have an unshakeable conviction that humanity heals and transforms through the power of creative expression. We are all creative beings seeking sources of inspiration. The word inspiration broken down is ‘in spirit’. The word “spirit” derives from the word “breath,” (spiritus in Latin). Literally, breath gives life.”
Taking this exploration one step beyond visual witness, Bustamante has in these recent works incorporated audio accompaniments, utilizing two different techniques: VibroAcoustic Therapy Technology and BrainTap technology. These therapeutic technologies, which are thought to create emotionally healing brain waves through sound, vibration, and light, will allow attendees the opportunity to not only see Bustamante’s sculptures, but hear them.
Through both the audio and visual components, it is the hope of the artist that the audience be able to experience the healing and restorative power of art, something which Bustamante holds as a universally profound truth. Please direct any inquiries about the exhibition to andres@personacontemporary.com and find promotional photo(s) attached.
Thank you, and see you at the show!