Modfellows Art Gallery / 3655 Trousdale Dr., Studio C November 12, 2022 - January 8, 2023
We are excited to announce that Modfellows Art Gallery is opening its 4th Annual Group Exhibition, Art for the Naughty & Nice! We’re ready to bring you into another jollification full of merriment and festive fun that we know you’ve been anticipating since last year’s shindig. As always, those who come will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to claim original artwork by various emerging and established artists, purchase it, and grab it right off the gallery wall. Take it home to wrap as a gift or hang on your walls—whatever makes you happy!
The exhibition’s theme is centered around variations of masterful works created by an epically diverse range of artists. Some have shown at Modfellows in the past, and others are new to the gallery. We are thrilled to fill our walls with these pieces and showcase new talent!
The 4th Annual Art for the Naughty & Nice exhibition will open on Saturday, November 12th, 2022, and will run through January 8th, 2023 at the Modfellows - Grassemere location.