

ANF Architects / 1500 Union Ave. September 8, 2017 - October 5, 2017

Jamie Harmon, Tom Stem

The Rebirth of Crosstown features paintings by Tom Stem & photographs by Jamie Harmon depicting Crosstown’s construction and rebirth.


Artist / Painter Tom Stem has lived less than a quarter of a mile from the Crosstown Concourse building for 10 years. Recently, he turned his attention to the transformation of the Memphis Tennessee old abandoned Sears building into Crosstown. He has been observing, photographing, and painting the cycles of decay and rebirth up close. He is inspired by the changes as the building is transformed into a vertical village and fascinated by the abstract qualities and metaphoric potential of the images. The metaphors of exteriors, interiors, ascending and descending levels of light, pathways, windows, and throughways, always playing with the line between 'realism' and 'abstraction' in his work. 


Artist / Photographer Jamie Harmon has documented the Concourse building for the last 5 years. From its original condition, demolition, and restoration he has captured every phase and continues to do so. When not shooting buildings, family, strangers, things, bubbles, people, bands, thoughts and/or emotions, he runs Amurica Photobooth - which he created as a mobile portrait project over six years ago. For the last 4 years, his studio has been situated across the street from the Concourse which has kept him tuned into Crosstown Arts and their work. The images represented here are a brief history from the last few years.