David Lusk Gallery Memphis / 97 Tillman August 29, 2017 - September 30, 2017
Greely Myatt
Greely Myatt returns to David Lusk Gallery - Memphis for his solo show Making Marks in September. Myatt’s long art-making career has consistently focused on a theme of communication. Featuring a monumental exclamation point that exceeds the height of the building alongside other work that is simultaneously strange and familiar, Myatt’s current body of expresses mark making one way or another, regardless of how we process them.
No stranger to larger-than-life sculpture, Myatt’s massive punctuation marks suggest an over-communication of a thought, idea, or question. In an era of total connection and advancing technologies, conversation has an unavoidable presence. Myatt’s exclamation points (in wood, tar, air filters, aluminum, steel, etc.) become objects too prominent to miss—not unlike the constant chatter surrounding us.
image: chain chain chain chain chain chain chain (detail), 2016, Western Cedar, lead, steel,100x7x35”