David Lusk Gallery Memphis / 97 Tillman St. February 11 - March 15th
Carlyle Wolfe Lee
Carlyle Wolfe’s practice is devoted to a deeper connection with her natural environment. She has spent most of her life carefully observing the exchange of color and light that occurs in her surroundings and studying the different hues, rhythms and patterns that develop as time passes and seasons change. To create her large-scale, densely layered paintings on panel, intricate watercolors on paper, pencil drawings on paper and sculptural installations, her process is cumulative. Beginning with plant studies made from observation, she collects shapes, lines, colors and environments. She layers and interweaves information, calling back to a specific experience or moment discovered in an earlier nature observation. The abstract imagery on her large, richly layered pieces fade in and out of light and shadow, representing a mystical, almost infinite environment.
Carlyle Wolfe received her BFA in Painting from the University of Mississippi and her MFA in Painting and Drawing from Louisiana State University. Her work was recently selected for The Art in Embassies Program at the US Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique. She has exhibited work throughout the South including, The Dixon Gallery and Gardens, the Mary C. O’Keefe Cultural Center, the University of Charleston, the Shaw Center for the Arts, the Mississippi Museum of Art, the Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, the University of Mississippi Museum, and Arkansas Art Center. She currently lives in Oxford, Mississippi.
Image: Summer Pasture