

Beverly + Sam Ross Gallery (Christian Brothers University) / 650 East Pkwy S. March 17 - April 25th (Reception: April 25 5:00pm - 8:00pm)

Brian R. Jobe, Jered Sprecher

Arrangements in Gravity

“Something speaks to us, a sound, a touch, hardness or softness, it catches us and asks us to be formed.” - Anni Albers

When we were children we stacked stones, gathered sticks, felt the breeze on our faces, and stared at the sky.

Play was and is serious business, a way to live in the world and yet not hold onto things too tightly.

The artists Brian R. Jobe and Jered Sprecher have known each other for over fifteen years and though their work is different, the poignant and playful are present in their work. One may think of the foundational Bauhaus material studies or Kindergarten Gifts as ways of understanding the material world as embedded with dynamic and meaningful relationships. There is a tender poetry when two or three disparate materials are assembled and held close by gravity.

In Sprecher's paintings, swatches of found color and images of flowers are gathered and arranged in conversation with Jobe’s solid material dramas. For Jobe and Sprecher this is an exciting collaboration where each has an opportunity to see how their own work speaks to the other's efforts. As they install the work, the space between the paintings and sculptures, and how it holds the room are central to the artist's concerns.

We hope you step in, take a deep breath, exhale, consider the weight of brick stacked upon brick, the luminosity and density of colors layered over each other, consider the relationship between objects in this room. Look for the playful and poignant rooted in the work.
