

The Central Collective / 923 N. Central St. July 6, 2018 - July 6, 2018

The Moth Flock and the Fearsome Critters

Join The Moth Flock and the Fearsome Critters for a moonshine-soaked celebration of bluegrass, kudzu, and Summer nights in the holler. It's sure to be a hoot. Everyone from the Old Time Mountain Vegetable Band to a gang of curious possums will be there to greet you! Only at the Central Collective.

Artist Bio: East Tennessee-born artist Michael Arpino, better known as The Moth Flock, describes himself as an Appalachian Revelatory Folk Artist. More of a conduit than a creator, he plucks his imagery out of thin air like you'd snatch a firefly from midflight as you stumble through the darkness. He creates a hallucinatory fever dream world where magical critters and forest spirits alike coexist under a sleepy moon, inviting you to join their world that is one part whimsical, one part totemic, and one part surreal.