

Rala / 112 W. Jackson Ave. June 7, 2019 - June 30, 2019

Steph Untz

Rala is proud as punch to announce Steph Untz at our June First Friday artist! Join us for the opening and to meet Steph!

The 100 paintings displayed are part of The 100 Day Project 2018 (the100dayproject.org). Every spring people all over the world commit to doing something creative everyday for 100 days. It was created by Michael Bierut and brought to Instagram by Elle Luna in 2013 and now ran by Lindsay Jean Thomson. #the100dayproject @lindsayjeanthomson

I began in the spring of 2018 and chose to explore pattern through watercolor. I started this project to make time for my hand and my head to create something. I was struggling to be creative while being a new mother. This project challenged me more than I realized it would. Around day 40, I was stuck and felt like I was running out of ideas. I pushed through and learned less about painting and more about how I see the world. I noticed around day 60, what subjects I am truly drawn to paint. And at the end of the project, I was reminded that I need to make time for myself to be creative. I hope the viewer enjoys my journey of moving and traveling those 100 days in pattern.

Currently, I am in the middle of this year’s 100 Day Project and I am working digitally on an iPad. My focus is to learn digital illustration through the theme of journey. I want this skill to inform my woodworking and painting. Through my learning, I’m reminded that I love patterns, and these patterns can be created easily through digital means, especially repetition of a subject. Follow along @stephuntz

I urge everyone to try their own 100 Day Project. It is a great way to leave winter behind and start exploring as spring emerges. And even if you don’t finish all 100 days, the effort is still worth it.

My name is Stephanie Untz , I received my MFA in Painting and Drawing from the University of Tennessee. I lived in Knoxville for almost 6 years and long for the day I will return. Currently, I reside in Media, PA just outside Philidelphia with my husband, daughter and 2 dogs. These days I fix up our old house, paint and chase Barbara around.