Hamilton Center for the Arts (Lincoln Memorial University) / 703 Brooklyn St. , Cumberland Gap, TN August 19, 2019 - October 11, 2019
Kayla Rumpp
This work is inspired by the relationship between painting and sculpture, and forged from an interest in childlike materials and sensibilities. The fascination with childlike components comes from a desire to transform a material with a specific purpose. As an elementary art educator I am constantly surrounded by such materials and witness the intuitive ways children manipulate them in the classroom. Inspired by this notion, I use similar materials to manifest work that nods to the original shape of the object while creating a new context for it within a contemporary landscape.
The interactions between color, form, material, and light are integral to the work. The structure of the piece informs color based on existing shadows. I often utilize gradients to emphasize the idea that shadows and highlights contribute to the color scheme, as if it all existed within a two-dimensional plane.
Kayla Rumpp is an artist and educator living in Knoxville, TN.