Cherry East Gallery / 2717 Jefferson Ave. February 22 - March 31st
Sarah Collins, Josh Collins
Soaring River comes from a dwelling. A place of longing; a refuge. Delving into the heart of rhythm, shape, form; of all things.
A connection. To and from.
Beneath to above. From dark into light.
Discover Soaring River, a compelling exhibition showcasing the transformative journeys of siblings Josh and Sarah Collins. Through a multidisciplinary approach combining photography, painting, and poetry, their work explores themes of self-discovery, connection, and the interplay of chance and intention. Rooted in the beauty of nature, light, and memory, this exhibition invites viewers to embrace the unexpected and reflect on the profound currents of creativity and connection.
Sarah Collins is a multidisciplinary artist whose process-driven approach spans various mediums. Her work is deeply inspired by the natural world and the moments of everyday life. Her creative process begins with capturing photographs of intriguing subjects—ranging from the pages of an old children’s book to the intricate patterns on a cathedral floor. From there, abstract floral compositions are rendered in crayon, oil pastel, or colored pencil. Collins then digitally fuses her photographs and floral drawings, creating dynamic, unexpected juxtapositions that form the basis for her final stage: painting. This transformative process, rooted in serendipity and the interplay of unrelated elements, reflects her exploration of letting go. By embracing chance and relinquishing control, she uncovers beauty in the unexpected and highlights the remarkable outcomes of surrendering to the unknown.
Josh’s process is all about time, space, place, light, and shadow; along with the severity of the moment. The tool to capture is second to the moment explaining why different cameras are often used. Camera choice is dependent on style and color relevant in that time. There is rarely a plan of what is to be photographed. Each image is a processing of ideas (alluding to a bigger picture), more times than not starting from scratch into a broader vision. “Forgiveness is at the heart of beginning” welcoming Josh into a season of self discovery. Jumping from seeing visually to forming words or thoughts from a deeper place; poetry is at the center of his creative practice. Inspired by I and Thou by Martin Buber he seeks the Thou throughout this body of work. Through his poems there is a searching for an eternal connection with the world around him which seems has been lost. As well as a searching for the self; acknowledged through images of brotherhood, the sky, and reaching for his father.