Fluorescent Gallery / 627 N. Central St. February 3, 2017 - February 9, 2017
Curated by Ashley Layendecker
Amanda Martinez
Jessica Simorte
Kayla Rumpp
Megan White
Heather Casteel
Marta Lee
Natalie Harrison
Marisa Hricovsky
Anna Weible
Lynne Ghenov
Katherine Wagner
Paris Woodhull
Brianna Bass
Eleanor Aldrich
Kate Faulkner
Women in the arts continue to be highly unrepresented in the art world, and it is important to change this status quo. Curated by Ashley Layendecker, Girl's Favorite features a group of female artists that communicate ideas of abstraction through pattern and repetition. A selection of artists from New York, Alabama, Texas, and Tennessee will be showcased.
The title Girl's Favorite comes from a name of a quilt pattern square. Quilts have a long history with being crafted by women to comfort and are comprised of pieces of stitched fabric to create a pattern or design. In this same vein, the women included in this show use pattern and repetition in their artwork, piecing together a community of artists that are communicating similar ideas.