Stove Works / 1250 E. 13th St. December 18, 2020 - March 27, 2021
Alejandro Acierto
Kris Bespalec
Marc Boyson
Jason S. Brown
Mo Costello
Seth Daulton and Daniel Ogletree
Meredith Drum
Jessi Faircloth
Carrie Fonder
Lindsay Garcia
Jim Graham
Jodi Hays
Sara Hess and Jon Swindler
Epiphany Knedler
Karen Krolak
Kesha Lagniappe
Taylor Manigoult and Cath Daly
Bradley Marshall
Joshua Miller
Elizabeth Moran
Paula Nishijima
Greg Pond
Daniel Reidy
Tom Scicluna
Stephen Sewell
Katlin Shae
Art Sokoloff
Max Spitzer
Rotem Tamir
Rhonda Weppler
Trevor Mahovsky
Ruiqi Zang
Teachable Moment is the first exhibition in the main gallery of Stove Works' new facility at 1250 E 13th St. in Chattanooga, TN. Curated by Mike Calway-Fagen.
Teachable moments create space for one to rethink, cross-examine, and draw on abstract concepts. Some occur in classrooms when the classrooms look like actual classrooms but also when they don’t. Teachers and pupils take many forms, and titles can be misleading. Scripts are tossed; roles reverse, mutate, and fan out across multitudes. They can, however, coalesce under one roof, tree, or scalp. They are moments where authentic world experiences meet the practice-realm of thoughts in a generative collision.
Teachable moments, the real kind, have their backs against the wall. They are forced there by the unrelenting streamlining of educational brandification, standardization, and buzzwords that flatten curiosity, fantasy, and wandering imaginations. What is the exchange rate of a thing that attempts an alternative lifestyle amidst Education’s neoliberal motor? As bad as it sounds, and it is, those same toxicities luckily inspire resistance and expose the flimsy push toward creative problem solving, its monetized origins, and destinations.
But teachable moments are not going away. Thus, complimentary tools are needed to make contact with complexity, broaden the scope and potential of humyns’ learning-landscapes. Possibly the only feasible compromise is in adopting teachable-moments as inextricable from their temporal, spatial, and cultural surroundings. They become real as real, moving through and with the contexts and contingencies of other forms of living and learning. So what are these other forms? How are they different, better, or worse?
In addition to Teachable-Moments, might we call them: Learnable Lifetimes, Listenable Loving, Collective Quietude, Endless Unfoldings, Trustworthy Touching.