Cress Gallery of Art (UTC) / 752 Vine St. February 6, 2018 - March 22, 2018
MIchi Meko
Michi Meko’s multidisciplinary approach combines common materials with an iconography of humble objects to create stunning visual metaphors of African American heritage and experience built upon themes of resilience and purpose, remembrance and spirituality.
As Spring 2018 Diane Marek Visiting Artist, Meko will present a public lecture Tuesday, Feb 06, 5:30pm in the UTC Benwood Auditorium in the EMCS Bldg, 735 Vine St., followed by a public reception directly across Vine Street at the Cress in the Fine Arts Center. Open to the public and admission is free.
The title of this exhibition is a combination of the Japanese words “kazu” meaning oneness, harmony, and peace, and “ko” meaning child. Typically feminine in gender, Kazuko in numerology possesses qualities described as visionary, yet Meko’s Kazuko, the “peaceful child”, endeavors “to perfect”.
Within an installation of new sculptural elements and soundscape, Meko will feature a series of recent mixed media works on paper for this exhibition.
This exhibition will add to this Atlanta-based artist’s list of recent solo exhibitions at Alan Avery Art Company, Atlanta (2015); The Atlanta Contemporary Art Center (2016); The New Gallery, Austin Peay State University (2017); and The Lamar Dodd Gallery, University of Georgia (2017). In just this past year, Meko received the Georgia Museum of Contemporary Art’s Working Artist Project Grant for 2018, an Artadia Grant Award, and a Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors Grant.
Born in Florence, Alabama, Michi Meko holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Painting from the University of North Alabama and is currently represented by Alan Avery Art Company in Atlanta. For more information about the artist, visit www.michimeko.com and www.alanaveryartcompany.com
For more information contact ruth-grover@utc.edu or call / text 423-304-9789