

Wavelength Space / 854 McCallie Ave. January 15, 2022 - February 12, 2022

Heath Montgomery, Rylan Thompson

Over the past year, Rylan and Heath have been passing a handful of works back and forth in a collaborative, palimpsest-like exchange. This show contains work from their individual studio practices in conversation with these Mixed Metaphors. A mixed metaphor is the use of two or more unrelated metaphors that are incongruous, or illogical when combined. The show Mixed Metaphors meets the viewer in the present moment: one fraught with contradictions, interpretations and near truths. Rylan Thompson's drawings are small and complex allowing one to see the whole work, but the level of detail is like a fractal that keeps going. Heath Montgomery’s paintings straddle the threshold of being knowable objects and obscure images. He uses mechanical methods of representation, like the pixel or grid, that are pieced together - undermining the integrity of what is being presented by showing the parts that make a whole. Together, Rylan and Heath make work that is a labyrinth of false flags and trompe l'oeil alley ways. This grouping is a commentary of how they filter the world in order to create something new and unexpected.