AVA: The Association for Visual Arts / 30 Frazier Ave. November 30, 2022 - December 23, 2022
Matthew Adams, Mary Ahern, James Anzalone, Tonia Anderson, Alexis Baranek, Catherine Bergman, Jonathan Bidwell, Brett Billings, Emily Boyd, Michael Brady, Jan Burleson, Bonnie Cayce, Austin Center, Durinda Cheek, Nancy Collins, Matthew Cook, Liz Cooper, Courtney Cox, Beth Daigle, Darcie Denton, Melissa Dunn, Matthew Dye, Tegan Ehrenfried, Lainey Fallgatter, Kim Hunter Feisley, Richard Foster, Michelle Fountain, Cecilia Gainaru, Lynae Glass, James Goldsmith, Vicki Goldsmith, Deede Gram, Khambrel Green, Steve Griffin, Lori Gustafson, Carolann Haggard, Lupina Haney, Clay Hardwick, Billy Hargiss, Mike Holsomback, Lisa Houser, Sandy Hullander, Faye Ives, Ann Jackson, Judy Jones, Donald Keefe, Janice Kennedy, Linda Kerlin, Michael Largent, Sam LaStarr, Sherry Leary, Nekeidria Lee, Amanda Rae Long, Karen Martin, Lynne Mayer, Michael McCallie, Dixie McNair, Audrey Menard, Nina Mendez-Marti, Mitch Menzmer, Lourans Mikhail, Kirby Miles, Dee Miles, Carina Miller, Matthew Monahan, Heath Montgomery, Suzanne Suggs Mortimer, Nathan Newton, Lisa Norris, Meredith Olinger, Susan Parks, Ruth Pearl, Carrie Pendergrass, Adrienne Powell, Amy Ramirez, April Reed, Richard Rice, Connie Roberts, Jaclyn Ruble, Erin Ryan, David Salerno, Leah True Salerno, Kristina Sanchez-Mills, Rick Sanders, Reagan Schmissrauter, Robert Schoolfield, Susan Schweigard, Alan Shuptrine, David Spiller, Brent Templeton, S. Jones Thompson, Melanie Tucker, April Van Brunt, Ryan Waldo, Hannah Watson, Anne Willet, Evelyn Marie Williams, Joshua Williams, Grace Wright
This annual exhibit is a showcase of the wide array of talents and practices represented by AVA's roster of member artists. Displayed in the 17th century style of the French Salon, this exhibit will feature 187 works from 98 artists, including a wide array of media. For three weeks only, this exhibit is a great opportunity to support local artists and shop for holiday gifts!