Cress Gallery of Art (UTC) / 752 Vine St. April 5, 2016 - April 28, 2016
Show One: Kim Appeldoorn, Aly Butler, Brooke Craig, Kiley Gunter, Erin Hall, Julie Heavner, Leah Hoffman, Hayley Martin, Kelly Norris, Shelby Turner, Andy Qualls
Show Two: Zach Dugger, Megan Foster, Moriah Geter, Morgan Hampton, Jessica Lowe, Kara Patrick, Anji Styles, Joshua Surrett, Meri Wright
The Bachelor of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions form the capstone event for students enrolled in the professional curriculum of the Department of Art at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga. These student artists respond to the issues and challenges of our contemporary world. Conceived in a wide range of materials from traditional to innovative, the work in this exhibition was created by students matriculating from the Department’s concentration areas of Graphic Design, Painting and Drawing, Photography and Media Art, and Sculpture.