• Circling the Square

    Wood, Steel, Lard, Water, Plumb bobs, Motor
    96"x60"x20"  |  2016

  • Every Place Has Been Displaced (Action)

    Lard, Wood, Water, Ink
      |  2016

  • How To Determine Whether or Not a Coffee Table is Art

      |  2016

  • Immaterial (Performance)

    Wood, Steel, Table, Bowl, Coins, Dice, 2 live Zebra Finches.
      |  2015


Knoxville, TN | Sculpture, Mixed Media, Time-based, Performance, Installation

Joshua Shorey was born and raised in New England, got his BFA in Ceramics from Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia, and is currently an MFA candidate at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.

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I make art as a way to explore my own curiosity about what it means to be alive, and I hope that asking questions does some good. I have shaped my studio practice around maintaining the liminal space between doing and understanding, rooted in a constantly renewed resistance to impatience, distraction, and confusion. My performance and installation work embraces a non-linear expression my own perplexity about what it means to be, in time, and asking if the the functions of the intellect can resolve that dilemma, and if not, asking how to find contentment within that dilemma.

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